Winter Weg: Shovel or Make Snow Angels?

Hello World…

Hope you are well and dreaming of adventure. We are 🙂

It has been a while. A bit has happened since out last Sabretoothed Chickens family trip to Sumatra in April 2015. In terms of this little blog, it has now reached over 32000 hits and has amost 150 followers. Our facebook fan page is also growing. We have had quite a few commercial offers but so far have decided to keep this blog personal and non-monetised. We are amazed that our humble travel blog has touched your life and thank you for your continued support, especially to those of you who have become fond friends. We look forward to taking you along, in a couple of months time, on our next family adventure …

Since we last posted, in terms of travel, Prunella went for a month to Myanmar with her mother and two brothers. It was an amazing trip visiting many of the magical places of her mothers exotic childhood. Sadly on returning she uploaded all the 3000 photo’s to the desktop and before it was backed up, it’s hard drive physically crashed. Argh…

A local girlfriend also encouraged her to venture to Bali, something she had been avoiding due to it’s commercialism and controversial relationship with Australian tourism. She initially went solo and couchsurfed with an amazing single mum. She had a short sojourn on the island which was an interesting, beautiful, sometimes ethically disturbing experience. She returned with mixed feelings but enjoyed “finding her tribe” in Charlotte and Yudari …

Of course we have explored more of our part of the world, camping, staycations and weekenders.

So where to next?

For a long time I have been dreaming of staying in one place overseas and absorbing local life, culture and language. We fell in love with Poland when we first discovered it on our “Newdawn” honeymoon trip in 1999. Luckily over a year ago, we were able to find a wonderful, adventurous family to welcome us. This is a video about them by Hannah Kugel.

So we thought this would be our next trip. But as we all know, plans change. Lucky for us, we might be fortunate enough to still do this another time. Looking forward to the prospect, Barb.

What changed? My mother is now an able 77 years old but wanted us to plan and accompany her to Europe. She was with us on the start of our family gap year and has travelled with us before. Now she expressed a desire to have a final trip to Europe and see some of her dream destinations. So after some discussion Graham kindly said “Lets take her and do this Poland trip another time”. Also our youngest Felix has been saying he wants to see falling snow for the first time. We realise this would be an amazing opportunity for our three boys to indulge in European architecture, culture & history. So that is what we are doing. Here we come “Winter in Europe” …

Over the last year, we have booked the flights. Confirmed most of our accomodation via couchsurfing hosts and private apartments. We look forward to seeing some dear familiar faces. Just a few days ago, we spent hours on Skype and arranged the first three legs of train travel which will take us from Denmark to France. It is all happening. Here is the rough route …

We will be travelling a route of about 35000km with six people inc three children under 12 and a senior. We will be carrying five lots of 7kg carry-on luggage between us. We are looking forward to this wonderful, amazing, one-in-a-lifetime adventure together.

So if you want to meet us in person “on the open road”, give us local advise, invite us for a meal, invite us to meet for a cuppa or just say hello, get in touch or just join our “Winter Weg” travels via this blog. Bring your friends – all welcome. We look forward to having you along.

The Sabretoothed Chickens ❤

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”

― Mark Twain

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